Friday, August 12, 2011

Haven’t got a clue where the money went.

In response to a public information act request, Budget Director Adam Harry furnished what County Judge Jim Lewis called the “Cheat Notes” for the county budget. One interesting item was buried in a line item called 001-2850 Solid Waste Management.


The interesting part is the note which says “Uncertain status of organization”

So the question is, if you do not know the status of the organization, why in the hell is it in the budget? Wait, lets check the budget and make sure it is in the proposed budget.

SolidWasteManagement  Yep, there it is big as life. The budget director decided tax payers could do without a measly $35,000 and stick the money in an account he can’t even account for. Gives me all kind of warm fuzzy feelings.

Next lets check the web.  Name change found. Wonder when that happened? Guess they forgot to let the source of funds know.

Keep McLennan County Beautiful, KMCB (formerly Clean McLennan County, Inc.)


What is interesting is the minutes have not been updated on the website since 2009. Looks like the County was still sending them checks as recently as this year. The budget indicates funds were spent from the line item. Since the budget Director does not know where the money went, perhaps you should ask your Commissioner.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

To bid or not to bid…

So in a developing story by The Legendary we now have a three part series. The first - Baubles and bangles bought without purchase order, details how Commissioner Joe Mashek questioned the County Judge about a purchase with no purchase order. Commissioner Mashek wanted to know if the Judges’ office went out for bids. The Judge said he was 99% sure bids were sought.

In the second in the series - Purchase of baubles, bangles contrary to policy, further information is revealed when we are told the Commissioners had approved revision or the County Purchasing Policy about a month before and the purchase did not appear to be handled within those guidelines. In fact the very same matter, going around the purchasing agent, had been the subject of inquiry the previous year and Commissioner Gibson read from the opinion of then District Attorney John Segrest.

In the third article – Service pins purchase could have been $5K less, we find out back in May, Commissioners were presented with an option that would have saved taxpayers $5,000. Commissioner's rejected the savings for doing it like we always have. Even more shocking was the revelation an employee of the Judges office worked with the purchasing agent who was ultimately left out for the record to do an end-around on the purchasing policy.

Excerpts from  the public information response:


and this one

CodyE-mail2   No record of a response from the Purchasing Director.

This caused me to remember one time when the Sheriff’s Office had a Golf Cart loaned to them. It broke and they decided the right thing to do was fix it. Not a big problem but a little checking was enlightening. You see Paul Wash is a licensed CPA. He formerly worked for the McLennan County auditor. The use of forfeiture funds is highly restricted but he managed to hammer this one to fit within the confines.


Then I ran across this little snippet.


The Auditor did not agree and this little matter was discovered when it went to court for ratification.

I’m sure Capt. Wash just didn’t want to impose on the Commissioners valuable time.

Here you have two examples. Make your own decision.

Excerpts from the original request:

Scott, in response to the below revised / clarified open records request seeking  …..”information related to the purchase from a vendor,  documentation to support the statement by the Judge that someone checked prices from other vendors / fax or an e-mail; documentation related to the choice of vendors including any direction that person received / vendor list….” I have attached the documentation which seems to be responsive to your request.

Also, Scott, just for clarification, I would like to point out that, in relation to your statement about the  Waco Tribune-Herald on 7/24/2011 quoting Judge Lewis…“There’s no way I would do that in my office, because it does not pass the smell test,” Lewis said”….that statement was not made regarding the county service pin issue or regarding the subject of ratification of purchase orders by the CC.  It was made on an entirely different and unrelated matter (I believe it was re:  nepotism issues).   Take care.   L2

The administrative assistant to the Judge is worth her weight in gold. Hope the Judge realizes that.